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Contoh Teks MC Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Teks MC Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Teks MC Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Saat menjadi pembawa acara atau MC tentu membutuhkan beberapa contoh MC dari berbagai bahasa. Dan ini adalah Contoh Teks MC Dalam Bahasa Inggris teks ini admin tulisanguru.com dapat saat belajar di salah satu kursusan ternama di Pare Kediri Jawa Timur. Berikut adalah teks nya :

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Excellency Mr. Kalen Osen.... The Director of Basic English Course
Respectable Mr/Mrs.... The supervisor of....
Honorable... The chief of Meeting class....
Unforgettable all members of meeting program
Dear happy brothers and sisters...
For one thing, in the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. There's no beautiful sentence to speak except thank to our God Allah SWT. Because 9f his guidance and his live, in this time being, we all can gather in attending this interesting meeting without any obstacles.
For second thing, may Sholawat and salaam be accepted by our one messenger, who has guided us from the darkness era to the brightness era that is Islam.
Happy audiences
Now, I'm stand in front of you all, as master/mistress of ceremony, directly I'm going to read the agenda in this meeting.
The first agenda is opening
The second agenda is of Holy Quran, it's followed by English and indonesian translation.
And some speeches by some speakers will be in the third agenda.
The fourth agenda is resting time
The fifth agenda is correction by some correctors
And being continued be announcement from our chief of meeting class and our supervisor
And the last agenda is closing
Ok,dear ladies and gentlemen
Before stepping to the next agenda, let's open our meeting today by reading "Basmallah" together, in order that our meeting can run well from beginning to ending
Thanks very much, and now the second agenda is reading "Holy Quran". It will be read by Mr/Ms.... From.... Class while Indonesian translation by Mr/Ms... From... Class, and English translation by Mr/Ms... From... Class, the time is yours. Thank you very much, may we all get syafaat in this life and here after. Amiin. OK, brothers and sisters, for the following agenda is giving speech by some speakers. For the first speaker, let's welcome to Mr/Ms.... From... Class By the title........, Time is yours Thank you very much, may your speech be useful for us. And now let's continue to the other speaker. For the second speaker, is Mr/Ms.... From... Class By the title........, The stage is yours Thank you very much for your great speech To member if RESTING TEAM, please leave this room to prepare your performance. And now lets continue to other speaker. For the fourth speaker lets welcome to Mr/Ms... From... Class By the title.... Here se go. After listening some speakers let's welcome to Mr/Ms... From... Class as concussion maker. Time is yours. Thank you very much for your conclusion, may we not repeat our mistake doing speech on front of audiences. To refresh a our mind, now we're going to the following agenda that's is resting program by... Class, for the resting team precious place is yours. Thank you for resting team, for the next agenda us correction by some correctors. The first correction is grammatical correction, let's welcome to Mr/Ms... From... Class time is yours. Thank you for your correction may we not repeat those mistakes. And for second correction is pronunciation. Let's welcome to Mr/Ms... From... Class. Time is yours. The next agenda is announcement from committee of active meeting program. Let's welcome to Mr/Ms.. From... Class. Time is yours. And second announcement from our supervisor to Mr/Ms.. Time is yours. Deskripsi brothers and sisters. Now, coming to the last agenda, that is closing, but before closing this program, I'm as Master/Mistress of ceremonies, absolutely I have many mistakes. So, please forgive me. Let's close the program by reading Hamdalah together. Thanks you for joining in this meeting. May God bless us forever. The last I say
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Note : That's one of text Master Of Ceremonies Sample, and you can modify it as you can and by your own languages. 
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